The Videogame industry has come under fire for including graphic content relating to sex and violence.  Lawmakers, Politicians and Family Values Groups have pushed legislation restricting the sale of certain videogames.  Game developers have been sued by victims of violence and sexual misconduct.  This site is devoted to exploring the current battle between Free Speech rights of the gaming industry and the efforts to preserve ‘decency’ and conservative values, in the face of increasingly violent and erotic videogames. 

 Check Back Often for 

  •       Articles on Videogame Censorship
  •       News Updates on Court Challenges and Pending Legislation
  •       Legal Information and Opinions


"Penn & Teller: Bullshit!" Video Games (TV Episode 2009) - IMDb

Lawrence Walters Eerily Predicted GamerGate in 2009/a>

Read Mr. Walters' Article on Videogame Censorship
It has been said, “Censorship is the bastard child of technology.”  Technological advances in video gaming software have created a rapid evolution from 1970’s arcade game technology to today’s role playing games, featuring an almost life-like level of realism, which mirrors the natural world in all of its graphic violence and sexual activity.  In tandem with electronic gaming’s rapid evolution and realism has been a meteoric rise in popularity and revenues which now rivals that of the motion picture industry.

Media coverage of GDC 2009 Presentation

Media coverage of GDC 2008 Presentation

Coverage of Mr. Walters Speech at the Game Developers Conference (2008)

Interview with Mr. Walters at the GDC (2008)

Media coverage of GDC 2007 Presentation

Gamasutra discusses Mr. Walters presentation at the Sex in Video Games Conference

Industry publications comment on Walters GDC speech:


Political Correctness threatens video game industry as new form of censorship

David Walsh, National Institute on Media and the Family, creates an unrecognized "Video Game Addiction" diagnosis out of whole cloth, applying symptoms of compulsive gambling.  Watch video here.

Are the Courts Reaching the End of their Rope with Videogames?

Mr. Walters Discusses Junk Science and Video Game Regulation

Update on the federal Video Game Decency Act

FTC Report on Marketing Violence to Children

Read the commentary by Marjorie Heins regarding the repeated attempts by states to pass unconstitutional laws restricting violent video games.

Illinois and Louisiana Video Game Laws Ruled Unconstitutional

Court enjoins OK video game law

Check out the Presentation on Game Censorship
delivered at the Sex in Videogames conference

Read Mr. Walters Speech delivered at the Sex in Videogames Conference

Read about the videogame battle in Louisiana

News Alerts:

Study finds no link between violent video games and aggressive behavior in children

Utah Newspaper Lauds Decision to Drop Video Game Legislation – from

Read Jack Thompson's venting to the Judge that ruled against him in the Bully case.

Gaming Industry Responds to Thompson’s Rant against the Judge that ruled in favor of Bully.

Playing Games with Free Speech

Pong revisited: Free speech and video games

Video Game Censorship Here to Stay? Unlikely

Congress holds at-times-contentious game hearing

Judge Halts Illinois Videogame Law

Congress Considering Control over Video Game Ratings

Parents Question ESRB Ratings System  


Other Resources on the Effect of Violence in Videogames:



Are you a game developer? 
Check out for industry information


For legal advice and services relating to videogame censorship, contact: Lawrence G. Walters at:  For more information on his qualifications, click here

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Read Mr. Walters first article on the history of Video Game Censorship

Lawrence G. Walters is a proud member of


Video Game Voters Network  

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